Security Center access in G Suite
G Suite updates blog had a post recently about a new change to the admin roles. In a nutshell, when you want to grant a user the role “Service settings” then he/she will not get access to the Security Center by default. The old behavior before was that when you give the “Service settings” role, then the delegated user will get access to Security Center.
Effects of the new changes
Now you will have to manually give the “Security Center” role manually for any admin who was or want to access the security center in the G Suite admin console.
Side effects and check points
Because the setting will affect the current permissions, you will have to manually review and check the current delegations for your users. If you want to keep allowing all or some of the delegated admins, then you will have … Read the rest “G Suite Security Center page is now having its own security role”
2 weeks ago Google has posted an update in the G Suite Updates Blog ( about a new feature in Google Sites which is embedding Cloud Search in Google Sites!
If you are on rapid release you should have seen this already by now, otherwise you might still going to see this feature in the coming days!

This is a great feature and facility to let your users use this feature in their daily work. I use it personally and it is more than awesome!
The way we setup this up in the organization that I’m working in is we just created a very basic portal page with the icons of the apps, and on top of that we just added this widget so from that portal we do all of our work by opening email, calendar, work with our files, and now we can search as well!… Read the rest “Cloud Search in your Google Sites!”