The book

Book title: Date Night on Union Station (EarthCent Ambassador Book 1)

Author: E. M. Foner

Book genre: Sci-fi, Humor, to me it is not Romance…

Finish date: 1 August 2017

Link to book: Amazon

My review

I saw this book and got drawn to it by its description. Although the cover image was a bit deceiving and might get you to get something else from the book (such as inter-species explicit relationships… or other stuff…). A sci-fi humor novel that involved dates and an earth politician, and an AI! I had a little expectation of what to come but I did not even get close to it!


The story takes place on a space station far away from Earth. Peace and coexistence is taking place between humans and other species, which is really a relieving thing. Residents of the station are peaceful and seem to only care about their lives and work. The hero of the story is living a strange life. Being a top Earth diplomat makes one assume she live a good life there, only to see the opposite of this.

The station is ran by a peaceful (or pretending to be?) AI who cares about all the species that are under its protection. We see various types of species blend together even robots and AI are blending very well within their biological surrounding.

Politics and negotiations apparently are the key to this peaceful coexistence and system on the station.

Story line

There are two main characters in this story. Our Earth ambassador “Kelly” and another guy who is looking to get a stable life “Joe”. Both find themselves being manipulated by the Stryx AI who runs the station and the dating service they are both subscribed to. Kelly’s friend and co-worder Donna has two little sweet girls who have their own stories and goals as well!

The story goes in series with the characters, and more than often we see both Joe and Kelly in the same location while they are unaware of each other. The author succeeded in making the final meeting between both characters hard to predict until late in the story… And the final moments are really worth the effort and the funny situation they both got in.

Kelly’s got played by the AI where it used her as a bait or tool to fulfill its goals and achieve its targets. While at the same time it was preparing Kelly to her final meet up.

The comedy and humor is really great and light, it never makes you get bored from it while showing different funny situations from one another.

With the comedy there was also the strange events and little thrill in the situations that Kelly found herself in with every date. It made a great mix of comedy, mystery, and little touch of action!

The end of the story is satisfying and I felt happy for both characters with what they got!

My recommendation

Date Night on Union Station is really a great read and I believe I will complete all the other books in this series which are 11 other books. This would be a really good movie or mini TV series as well!


The use of Date Night on Union Station (EarthCent Ambassador Book 1) book cover is only for the sole purpose of identifying the book and illustration.

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