I don’t know if you got into this problem or not yet, but YOU WILL! :-D. I had this problem one day and I was unable to setup any mobile device to connect to my Exchange Server ActiveSync setup…

I got this problem and it took me one day to find out what is going on…

The problem is you configure ActiveSync on the Exchange server and you put the certificate on the server and on the firewall (TMG or ISA) then when somebody with a mobile device tries to connect using ActiveSync, he fails, and cannot get to the server, even if you check about the problem you will find everything on Exchange and ISA or TMG is clear and no dust on it!

Well, the problem maybe not in the Exchange or the firewall, there is a big chance that you can solve it from the Active Directory!

Update: 22-Aug-2016: Instructions below are for Windows Server 2008 R2 and before.


To solve it, follow these quick steps:

  1. Open the Active Directory Users and Computers and go to “View” and select “Advanced Features
  2. After that, find the user who is not able to use the ActiveSync, and double-click him, and go to “Security” tab then click “Advanced”…
  3. Then just check the ckeck-box “Include inheritable permissions from this object’s parent” and click OK to close all the other windows…
  4. After this, the user should be able to connect to the server using ActuveSync with no problems…

Hope this help solving the issue.

Checkout my other blog posts here.

3 Responses

    • You should be on a server with AD DS service installed on it in order to work with this article, if not, then you should go to the AD server and look for it in “Administrative Tools”, it should be there for both Windows server 2008/2003.

      If you are an end user, then this should be done by your IT administrator… since you won’t have/allowed access on the servers anyways.

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